Algae: The Newest Alternative Bio-Fuel

"Algae is the ultimate in renewable energy." Glen Kertz, president and CEO of Valcent Products, told CNN while conducting a tour of his algae greenhouse outside of El Paso, Texas. He is not the only one who believes this. The next wave in alternative fuel funding is going towards algae. This vertical growing method has been patented by Kertz, who believes that greenhouses like this are the wave of the future for alternative sources of fuel. The idea of algae as fuel is not a new one. The US government funded several experiments in the late 1970s up until the 1990s, but the ethanol craze (which happened to be a total failure) took away from those funds. Apparently algae are something like 50% oil based, and that oil can be converted into a type of fuel that can run a diesel engine. Crazy. If you want to learn more about this check out
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